As we all know that Amazon is one of the leading eCommerce business model where they think like technology company and agile methodology.

This article shows the seven things to know about Amazon business model.

  1. Vision   
    Growth versus profit – focused more towards growth and innovation than making profit. Thinking about the future than present.
  2. Size (BBP)
    Building – build unique brands (Amazon Basics, Amazon Fresh, Amazon Studios, Amazon Warehouse Deals)
    Buying – Amazon bought about 30 companies to built its enterprise
    Partnering – partnership with other companies to assist them on their on-line presence or sell their products in Amazon.
  3. Rapid Growth
    Revenue of 2.8B in first 5 years ahead of its competitors such as ebay and google.
  4. Information Technology  – core competency
    Amazon uses cloud computing, Amazon Web Services, Prime Instant Video, Fire TV
  5. Most innovative company
    Innovation is the vision of the company
  6. Keys to business strategy
    Focus on on-line business, control customer accounts and establish an ecosystem around Kindle and Kindle Fire products.
  7. Future Expand
    Kindle and Kindle Fire Ecosystem, Same day delivery, create Amazon supply and more focus towards digital products.

I think it is a great inspiration if someone wants to set-up their own business.


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