Learning with Android Development

Today I have decided to begin with Android development so here my journey begins…..

Installed Android Studio

Only issue I faced was that my computer was not installed with jdk so I have install first then can proceed with the installation. Use this link if you want to install java development kit. During my installation it required jdk 7 or higher. In case if the jdk path is not picked by the android  studio I would suggest  restart your machine.

Why does the Android SDK need JDK?

The Android SDK uses the JDK to compile .java files to .class bytecode.

When building the project all .java files get converted to .class files and it uses JDK to convert those files.

The dx tool of adk converts all .class files to classes.dex file.

Reference: Link


HAXM must be updated

  • To solve this issue I just downloaded the latest version HAXM from the intel website. Link

HR Challenge – Day 0 (PHP)

Hi there!!!

This year my focus is more on coding and fitness. I have decided to take challenge from hackerrank. To begin with I have decided to take the 30 days of coding in php.

Day 0: Hello World


In this challenge, we review some basic concepts that will get you started with this series. You will need to use the same (or similar) syntax to read input and write output in challenges throughout HackerRank. Check out the Tutorial tab for learning materials and an instructional video!

To complete this challenge, you must save a line of input from stdin to a variable, print Hello, World. on a single line, and finally print the value of your variable on a second line.

You’ve got this!

Note: The instructions are Java-based, but we support submissions in many popular languages. You can switch languages using the drop-down menu above your editor, and the variable may be written differently depending on the best-practice conventions of your submission language.

Input Format

A single line of text denoting (the variable whose contents must be printed).

Output Format

Print Hello, World. on the first line, and the contents of on the second line.

Sample Input

Welcome to 30 Days of Code!

Sample Output

Hello, World. 
Welcome to 30 Days of Code!


On the first line, we print the string literal Hello, World.. On the second line, we print the contents of the variable which, for this sample case, happens to be Welcome to 30 Days of Code!. If you do not print the variable’s contents to stdout, you will not pass the hidden test case.


$_fp = fopen("php://stdin", "r");

$inputString = fgets($_fp); // get a line of input from stdin and save it to our variable

// Your first line of output goes here
print("Hello, World.\n");

// Write the second line of output
print $inputString;
$stdout = fopen('php://stdout', 'w');
