.NET Library source code: link
C# Coding Examples: Link
- Overview
- Version and History
- Keywords
- Identifiers and Keywords
- Namespace
- Collection of Reserved Keywords
- Constructors and Instantiation
- Instance and Static
- Conversions
- Understanding Value Types
- Understanding String Reference
- Variables and Parameters
- Constant
- Static
C# – Environment Variables
C# – Enumerable Methods
C# – Best Practice
C# – Exceptions
C# – Collections
C# – Operators
- Operator Precedence and Associativity
- Primary Operators
- Unary Operators
- Null-Conditional Operator
- Other Operators
C# – String
C# – Creating Types
- Class
- Nested Types
- Object Inilializer
- this Reference
- Inheritance
- Inheritance Modifiers
- Abstract class/methods
- Finalizers
- Polymorphism
- Casting and Reference Conversions
- Object Types
- Structs
- Interface
- Enums
- Nested Types
- Generics
C# – Advance
- Delegates
- Events
- Lambda Expression
- try Statements and Exceptions
- Nullable Types
- Operator Overloading
- Extension Methods
- Anonymous Types
- Attributes
- Unsafe Code and Pointers
- Preprocessor Directives
- XML Documentation
C# – Framework Overview
C# – Framework Fundamentals
- String and Text Handling
- String Builder
- Dates and Times
- Formatting and Parsing
- Working with Numbers
- Tuples and Guid Struct
- Equality Comparison
- Order Comparison
C# – Collections