Abstract Class
- A class declared as abstract can never be instantiated. Instead, only its concrete subclasses can be instantiated.
- Specifies method signatures but lacks implementation.
- It is used as a template for derived classes(base class).
- Abstract class can have abstract and virtual members.
- The subclass must provide implementation unless declared abstract
Abstract Methods
- Abstract members cannot be private.
- Abstract methods are implicitly virtual.
using System; namespace Rextester { public class Program { public static void Main(string[] args) { new Stock { SharesOwned = 200, CurrentPrice = 123.45M }.NetValue.Dump(); } } public abstract class Asset { public abstract decimal NetValue { get; } } public class Stock : Asset { public long SharesOwned; public decimal CurrentPrice; //override virtual method public override decimal NetValue => CurrentPrice * SharesOwned; } }
Abstract Properties
//Abstract Class with abstract properties abstract class absClass { protected int myNumber; public abstract int numbers { get; set; } } class absDerived:absClass { //Implementing abstract properties public override int numbers { get { return myNumber; } set { myNumber = value; } } }
- Abstract class cannot be sealed.
- Abstract methods are only allowed in abstract classes.
- Abstract methods cannot be private.
- Access modifier of the abstract method should be same in both abstract class and its derived class.
- Abstract member cannot be static.
- Abstract method cannot have virtual modifier.
Read more about Interface vs Abstract in Interface article.