The Object Type
System.Object is the base class for all types. Any type can be upcast to object. Object is a reference type, however you can cast between value type and object with the process of boxing and unboxing.
Boxing and Unboxing
Converting value-type instance to a reference-type instance (object class or interface). Copies the value-type instance into the new object.
Requires an explicit cast. Throws InvalidCastException if the stated value type doesn’t match the actual type. Copies the contents of the object into a value-type instance.
int x = 9; object obj = x; // Box the int int y = (int)obj; // Unbox the int //InvalidCastException object obj = 9; long x = (int) obj;
Static and Runtime Type Checking
Static checking
Checking during compile time, it is to verify the correctness of program without running it.
Runtime Checking
Checked by the CLR during runtime such as when you apply the unboxing.
int i = 3; object boxed = i; i = 5; Console.WriteLine (boxed); // 3
The GetType Method and typeof Operator
System.Type object represent all types in C#. It can be checked using GetType method or typeof operator. It has properties such as name, assembly, base type, etc.
GetType Method is evaluated during runtime whereas typeof Operator statically compiled.
static void Main() { Point p = new Point(); Console.WriteLine (p.GetType().Name); // Point Console.WriteLine (typeof (Point).Name); // Point Console.WriteLine (p.GetType() == typeof(Point)); // True Console.WriteLine (p.X.GetType().Name); // Int32 Console.WriteLine (p.Y.GetType().FullName); // System.Int32 } public class Point { public int X, Y; }
The ToString Method
ToString() methods returns the default text representation of a type instance, however you can override the ToString() method on custom types.
static void Main() { int x = 1; string s = x.ToString(); // s is "1" Panda p = new Panda { Name = "Petey" }; Console.WriteLine (p.ToString()); // Petey } // You can override the ToString method on custom types: public class Panda { public string Name; public override string ToString() { return Name; } }