Coronavirus (COVID) 2019 is a very contagious virus which mainly affects your respiratory system. People with mild symptoms can recover without any special treatment.

How the Virus is Transmitted:

  • Transmitted from droplets of infected person when they cough, sneeze or exhale.
  • In close proximity of the infected person
  • Touching the contaminated surface


  • Fever
  • Tiredness
  • Dry Cough
  • Aches and pain
  • Nasal Congestion
  • Runny nose
  • Sore Throat
  • Diarrhea

On average it takes 5–6 days from when someone is infected with the virus for symptoms to show, however it can take up to 14 days.

To prevent the spread of COVID-19:
• Clean your hands often. Use soap and water, or an alcohol-based hand rub.
• Maintain a safe distance from anyone who is coughing or sneezing.
• Don’t touch your eyes, nose or mouth.
• Cover your nose and mouth with your bent elbow or a tissue when you cough or sneeze.
• Stay home if you feel unwell.
• If you have a fever, a cough, and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention. Call in advance.

Self care

  • You should rest if you are not feeling well.
  • Drink plenty of fluid and have nutritious diet.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched areas.



  • We are shifting towards Tele-medicine, Working from home, social distancing.
  • Unemployment is rising
  • Small businesses are closing


Meat processing plants across the US are closing due to the pandemic

Antibody study suggests Covid-19 could be far more prevalent in the Bay Area than official numbers suggest

1st New York Antibody Study Finds Millions Infected, Daily Deaths Hit Lowest Level in Weeks

Physician Office Visits Plunge

Indians stranded in overseas

Two cats in New York are first pets known to have coronavirus in the US

Canada Lift Barrier for International Students Working in Essential Services

Eight babies catch corona at Tokyo centre


Top 50 Global Pharma: 2019

Top 10 Biggest Oil Consuming Countries: 2019


Here is the link for COVID19 Testing.

Fruits Glycemic Index

Fruits Glycemic Index Table

Glycemic Index: how fast foods with carbohydrate spikes your blood sugar

According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA) GI scores rated as:
Low: 55 or below
Moderate: 56 to 69
High: 70 and above

Glycemic Load: more narrow categories of low, medium and high foods. It calculates the grams of carbs per serving of food.

GL = (GI * grams of carb)/100

Low: 0 to 10
Moderate: 11 to 19
High: 20 and above

Low Glycdemic Index Medium Glycdemic Index High Glycdemic Index
  • Olive
    Glycemic Index = 0
    Glycemic Load = 0
  • Dragon Fruit
    Glycemic Index = Low
    Glycemic Load = ?
    dragon fruit
    Dragon Fruit
  • Avocado
    Glycemic Index = 10
    Glycemic Load = ?
  • Jujube
    Glycemic Index = 15
    Glycemic Load = ?
  • Fresh Cherries
    Glycemic Index = 20
    Glycemic Load = 6
    fresh cherries
  • Lime
    Glycemic Index = 24
    Glycemic Load = 3
  • Blackberry
    Glycemic Index = 25
    Glycemic Load = ?
  • Fresh Grapefruit
    Glycemic Index = 25
    Glycemic Load = 3
  • Lemon
    Glycemic Index = 25
    Glycemic Load = ?
  • Garlic
    Glycemic Index = 30
    Glycemic Load = ?
  • Dried Apricots
    Glycemic Index = 32
    Glycemic Load = 9
  • Carambola
    Glycemic Index = 36
    Glycemic Load = ?
  • Pears
    Glycemic Index = 38
    Glycemic Load = 4
  • Apples
    Glycemic Index = 39
    Glycemic Load = 5
  • Oranges
    Glycemic Index = 40
    Glycemic Load = 5
  • Plums
    Glycemic Index = 40
    Glycemic Load = 2
  • Strawberries
    Glycemic Index = 41
    Glycemic Load = 3
  • Mandarin Orange
    Glycemic Index = 42
    Glycemic Load = ?
  • Peaches
    Glycemic Index = 42
    Glycemic Load = 5
  • Nectarine
    Glycemic Index = 43
    Glycemic Load = 4
  • Persimmon
    Glycemic Index = 50
    Glycemic Load = ?
  • Kiwi Fruit
    Glycemic Index = 53
    Glycemic Load = 8.5
    Kiwi fruit
    Kiwi fruit
  • Grapes
    Glycemic Index = 53
    Glycemic Load = 5
  • Banana
    Glycemic Index = 54
    Glycemic Load = ?
  • Fruit Cocktail
    Glycemic Index = 55
    Glycemic Load = ?
    Fruit Cocktail
    Fruit Cocktail
  • Mangoes
    Glycemic Index = 56
    Glycemic Load = ?
  • Apricots
    Glycemic Index = 57
    Glycemic Load = ?
  • Apricots
    Glycemic Index = 57
    Glycemic Load = ?
  • Dried Fig
    Glycemic Index = 61
    Glycemic Load = 16
  • Dried Cranberries
    Glycemic Index = 62
    Glycemic Load = 19
  • Raisins
    Glycemic Index = 64
    Glycemic Load = ?
  • Guava
    Glycemic Index = 65
    Glycemic Load = ?
  • Honeydew Melon
    Glycemic Index = 65
    Glycemic Load = 5.9
  • Cantaloupe
    Glycemic Index = 65-70
    Glycemic Load = 4
  • Pineapple
    Glycemic Index = 66
    Glycemic Load = ?
  • Clementine
    Glycemic Index = 70
    Glycemic Load = ?
  • Watermelon
    Glycemic Index = 72
    Glycemic Load = ?

Photo credit to pexel
Note: This article is in progress.



Names: Sago, sago palm, sago pearls
Hindi: Sabudana

sago palm tree
sago palm tree

What is Sago?
Sago is produced from sago palm, it is the starch extracted from the center of sago palm stems, then processed into small, circular pellets referred to as pearls.

For Vegan:
– Good source of protein.

Glycemic Index
– High GI food: recommended to take in low amount if you are a diabetic.

How is Sago Used?
– Sago is popular in Indian recipes
– Included in tea popular in Asian drink
– Included in desserts and breads
– Can combined with rice for light and low calorie meal
– Thickening foods such as gravy or sauces
– Powder form for flour substitue

- Sago is high in carbohydrate content.
- A 100-gram serving contains nearly 86 grams of carbs.

- 100 grams of sago contains less than 1/2 gram of protein

- Sago contains a very low amount of total and saturated fat.
- A 100-gram serving has only .2 gram of total fat and .1 gram of saturated

- Not a low calorie food
- A 100-gram serving of sago yields for 350 calories

- A 100-gram serving gives you 7 percent of your daily allowance.
- Contains small amounts of calcium, copper, potassium and sodium.

Health benefits:

1. Aid in digestion

2. Nutritional value: a source of pure carbohydrates with very little protein, vitamin C, calcium and minerals.

3. A high energy booster:
– Energy-boosting ingredients in soups, puddings, smoothies, side dishes and main courses. It is a good substitute for energy supplements.

4. You can gain weight quickly by eating sago.

5. Enhance joints and bone health
– It helps to improves the joints and bones because it has minerals like calcium, iron, etc. Sago has Glucosamine which boosts the bone density, flexibility and joint movements. It also increases the amount of synovial fluid which is responsible smooth movement of joints.

6. Controls Hypertension
– 100g of sago contains around 5mg of potassium. Potassium helps to improve blood circulation and one of the best to cure hyperternsion. It stimulates healthy blood flow which decreases the strain on cardiovascular system

7. Helps in Muscle growth
– Sago has a good source of protein which aid in growth of muscles and strengthening. Also helps in faster recovery of function cells.

Sago Pearl

Lifestyle 01: Glycemic Index

Lifestyle 01: Glycemic Index

So I am beginning my first article with Glycemic Index, I was not aware with this term before but now I have enough information to share.

Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash
Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash

What is Glycemic Index?
Glycemic Index measures the carbohydrate-rich foods by the amount they elevate blood glucose levels compared to a standard food.

Glycemic index measures the carbohydrate-rich foods on a scale from 0 to 100 according to the extent to which they raise blood sugar levels.

Why it is important?
Foods with a low Glycemic Index digest more slowly and release sugar gradually into the bloodstream, keeping blood sugar stable.

Foods with a high Glycemic Index are those which are rapidly digested, absorbed and metabolised and results in high fluctuations in blood sugar (glucose) levels.

Monitoring your GI is one of the key secrets to long-term healthy life, reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease. It is also one of the keys to maintaining weight loss.

It may also help to control your cholesterol level and appetite.

It is healthy to choose low GI foods but avoid over eating. IT IS PART OF HEALTHY EATING.

For a healthy lifestyle you also have to :
• Eat regularly
• Choose food from all groups
• Control sugar and sweets
• Reduce the amount of fat you eat
• Include foods high in fibre
• Limiting salt

Best practice to check your glucose before and 2 hours after a meal is the best way to know how your body handles the meal.

Please feel free to contact me if you like to share more information

Monthly Progress with Fitbit Charge 2 – November 2017

My Profile

Days Steps Floors Miles Calories Minutes
1 8595 2 3.5 1929 68
2 10933 15 4.68 1901 69
3 12487 28 5.34 1980 79
4 13958 7 5.63 2402 116
5 13193 1 5.33 2369 65
6 10909 10 4.72 2024 66
7 12199 20 5.25 1962 68
8 8691 23 3.55 1838 47
9 6686 1 2.7 1724 23
10 18476 19 7.62 2773 202
11 26704 36 1106 3087 115
12 8427 5 3.4 1939 13
13 7360 4 2.97 1841 30
14 15589 33 6.54 2131 87
15 12154 29 4.82 2100 53
16 6347 3 2.38 1801 50
17 11077 12 4.55 1905 61
18 37164 68 15.41 3593 348
19 9964 11 4.02 2163 18
20 4027 2 1.63 1608 0
21 3703 3 1.5 1588 0

So far my best day was 18th November with 37164 steps, I need to break this record asap.

Weight Concern

Ways to reduce weight:

  1. Dieting
  2. Stomach fat burn
  3. Soup


Swedish Diet

Meat and dairy lovers can try this if they looking forward to lose some weight.

Stomach Fat Burn

Burn Belly Fat

I haven’t tried this but I am going to try this for sure.

Melt Belly Fat


I have used parsely before and it does help in reducing weight. Actually I am drinking parley everything instead of plain water. The taste is not so good but once you get used to it, it helps a lot.

Yoga Poses to reduce fat

It is worth trying this.


Cabbage Soup


Has anyone tried this, doesn’t sound impressive but I  usually make soup with chicken or lamb. I will definitely try once because I am i na mission to lose around 10 kilos by the end of this year. This articles just motives me that ti is possible to achieve my goal.

Happy days!!